Monday, May 3, 2010

July 2010 Update

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this. My goal is to start updating this weekly. We'll see if that happens or not. Alot has happend since my last blog, since it's been so long I'll strip this down and post some of the highlights from live and online play.

I'll start with live play, I've had a few big wins and not really any losing sessions:

- In April played in a series of 4 events over 4 days, walked away +1000
- Went to Canterbury Park in June to check out the remodel and played 3/6 and finished +400
- Placed 2nd in a tournament at Diamond Joes, lost some in cash game but finished +180
- Last night played in a dealers choice cash game and finished +200

Those are the winnings sessions, the losing ones havent magically been removed I've had a few times were I've broken about even. For example, played in a 2 or 3 tournies at treasure island and cashed small in one breaking me about even for the series of tournies.

Online has been much more up and down. I'll skip over most of the details and go into what games Im playing on there now. I've been mixing 3.25 45 man and 2.20 180 man turbos on stars. Current ROI is about 15% for the 3.25's and 10% for the 2.20's. I was on a hot run in the 2.20 but cooled off and started doing well in the 3.25's. I've been using SNG Wizard to study my endgame as I feel that's the weakest part of my game on those. I've also been playing some 2 and 3 dollar mtt's looking for a nice score. Been close a couple of time but just cant seem to get over the hump and make it to the final table. My account has turned into a pretty nice bankroll for these games, so Im happy with that.

Well, that's about it for now. I just got done with work (which is something new since I last blogged), and am getting ready for some MTT's and 45 and 180's. I'll update again soon.
