Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quick Update

Hey everyone,

I'm waiting for some things to download, so I thought this would be a good time to update my blog. I've been having some good results online recently (havent been playing live) and thought I'd post a few things.

First off, I've been mainly playing the 2.20 180's and 3.25 45 turbos on pokerstars. Had a sick run and was running at almost 30% ROI in both games for a time. Have cooled of recently and still have around 30% for the 2.20's and 23% for the 3.25's. One big change I did make was to hire a coach to help me out with these games. He presented me some situations in which I was giving up chips in plus EV situations. Since my roll was getting up there, I also gave the 6.50 45 mans a try and had very poor results. I think I'll stick with the 2.20's and 3.25's for now. I've gotten to were I can play alot of tables at a time on these and play them in sets so I only have a few tables open when it comes final table time.

Hiring the coach made me study my game much more then I normally do. I'd recommend this process for anyway that is looking to get started in a game and beat it. However, one word of warning do a good background check on your coach before hiring him/her. I still need to study more and this is something I'm currently trying to set more time aside for.

Today I decided to mix things up and play some 1/2 8 game mix. Hit a few really big hands in PLO. I feel playing this is a very nice switch from playing the SNGs. One things is I only play 2 of these tables at a time and so I try and actually put alot more thought into each play (part of this is because I dont know some of the games). Playing this may decrease my bankroll somewhat, but I feel it's worth the change.

Other then that I've been reading alot of poker books. I've finished the Harrington triology on Hold'em for tournaments and started reading Kill Everyone. Both are excellent reads and recommend them.

Well my software finally downloaded, so I'm going to go for now.
