Friday, December 31, 2010

Year End Review

Well it's been an up and down year for sure in terms of playing poker. From winning a good amount of money both live and online in the first 8 months of the year, to losing the last 4 months. I guess that's the way it goes sometimes.

Online I finished the year down 20 dollars in tournies/sngs for the year(5k games). Cash games I was up around 185 dollars. Alot of time and energy to make a measly 165 dollars! I did manage to make an additonal 300 or so via a pending bonus and points milestones.

I'm not going to go into too much detail here, but I have learned which games I do well in and which ones I don't. I'm a winner at 1.10 45's, 2.20 180's, and 3.25 45's turbos. I'm down in MTT's and 6.50's (9 man, 18 man, 45 man). The games I'm winning at I've played at least 1000 of each so I'm pretty confident that I can beat these games long term. As for the 6.50's I don't have a large sample number, so it's possible I can also beat these (I think would have to improve my game).

On the cash side I was a winner in .01/.02 PLO. However, they have change the rake in this game to make it much tougher to beat (more on this later).

Live poker was good overall although it feel off at the end of the year. Just remembered that I was keeping records and found them. I stopped 1/2 way through the year, but have only played a few times since. Also included payment into the poker league. New Years resolution to update this each time I play! Anyway, the year end tally is around +1500. Being I so rarely play live it's such a small sample size to really determine anything from it. Other then I ran good at times.

A final note if you still reading (lol), I've started updating my twitter almost everytime I play. So you can follow me there (MNPuck). To sum it up was a decent year overall, hoping things will turn around for 2011.
