Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November update

Decided to post today after a few things happened to change some things(again) in online poker for me. Bodog has been working on a new poker client. They added some 'features' that are very detrimental to winning players. The new client rolled out today.

The biggest of these is the introduction of what they are calling the "anonymous player" feature. When sitting at a cash or single table sng, you are given the number of your seat. In mtt's, you are given a number for the entire tournament. That's right, your screen name is no longer shown. So any history you have noted or in your tracking software for players, means nothing now.

Even though I did use a hud, I wouldn't be against not being able to use them. But having the "anonymous player" deal is ridiculous. I can't even tell if the player is a regular anymore. All information based on players is irrelevant, expect for during that particular cash session or tournament.

Just another way for Bodog to try and level the playing field so winning players have less of an edge. They did away with waiting lists for cash games awhile ago for the same reason. I saw a quote from one of the Bodog higher up's that they would rather have all losing players (ie everyone lose to the rake), so they wouldn't have to pay out players. By doing this their profits would go up.

Overall I did ok on the site. I was up 1k in cash games, but down about 500 in tournaments. So, I'm leaving the site with 500 more then I put in. I've already cashed out. Glad I paid 740 dollars in rake for cash games alone and probably 200-300in tourney rake, to a company that wants to do away with winning players.

I also had put 200 dollars on the everleaf network, which I didn't really like playing on. Have requested my balance of 180 as a cashout there as well.

So, what will I do with my time? Well, I still really enjoy playing so I want to continue to do so. However, I don't really want to deposit on the merge network. Thus, I'm going to play some freerolls on the Hero Poker skin.

They have a few options:

1) $5 prizepool 24 player 6 max PLO sngs with a max of 3 running at a time
2) $1 prizepool 9 player PLO sngs, with a max of 3 running at a time
3) $200 prizepool mtts, 5 running daily; these are on all the merge skins

Then for small buyin if cash the freerolls:

1) $.33 mtts NL, PLO, and horse starting at 6 PM daily
2) Plus a bunch of other < $1 mtt buyins

Thus, the plan is to put my time into these and see if anything develops. So why not just deposit? I could after I get my bodog/everleaf money, but I really want to try this freeroll challenge. I'm tired of depositing into sites where there is a good chance that everything might be shutdown at some point. If I don't deposit and then lose the balance I won't really have anything invested but time. At this point don't really have anything that interests me like poker, so at least I'm still playing.

One last thing, last blog I wrote was going to write some strategy posts. I started on one, but never finished it. Perhaps later I'll look back into it.

Follow MNPuck on twitter if you want updates on how the freeroll challenge is going. As always thanks for reading.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Long overdue update

Ok been a long time since I updated this. Seems like when things are going against me it's much tougher to update. I guess my last post I was thinking about quiting poker in some respect, however that didn't really happen(imagine that).

After the black Friday(closure of stars/ftp/ap), I laid low for awhile and thought about what to do with all my new found freetime. After a few weeks I really though I'd just play my poker league and some tournaments run around town, and maybe occasionally some 1/2 at Diamond Jo's.

I ended up middle of the pack in our league and blanked the 2 end of the year tournaments. In our annual spring 4 day tournament series I ended up chopping the limit hold em event and came in 5th overall. Basically breaking even or so for the weekend. Around this time my 1200 balance from pokerstars was paid to me.

I decided to take the money and give 1/2 at diamond jo's a run. It didn't go very well at all, and I quickly lost my pokerstars money. I did run into some big hands at the wrong time, but really I feel I was over my head in the games. Maybe not so much skill wise, but for sure bankroll wise. I was way to tight and refused to get my money in. I learned quickly that when I play with only 5 or 6 buyins for a game, I put myself at a disadvantage.

Wanting to learn cash play more after/during my diamond jo session, I decided to put some money on the merge network through the carbon poker skin. I put 100 in and started playing .02/.04 full ring to learn some cash game concepts. The players were much better at this stake then they were at similar stakes on other sites. Basically after black Friday everyone was scared to put money online(for good reason). So good players would put the 100 minimum in and then grind the lowest game to try and build up a roll.

I switched to 6 max .02/.04 at some point, but the games were still pretty tough. I started mixing in some tournaments on merge, which seemed softer. Problem was they often were 10 dollars or so a tournament for any that had decent structure/payoff. Soon deposited another 100 after burning through the first 100.

Did manage to win a tournament at some point on merge, however was only a 2 dollar tournament. If I recall 1 dollar went to prize pool and the other dollar to a bounty. Whatever it was, it only paid like 85 dollars for the win. I continued to mix in tournaments and soon went busto.

I felt pretty down at this point poker wise. Nothing seemed to work out for me, and I really didn't know what to do about it. I took some more time off and thought about what I wanted to do. I decided I wasn't ready to give up, however I needed to work on my game and bankroll decisions.

I decided I wasn't good at playing on a small bankroll(< 10 buyins), so diamonds jos wasn't really an option for me. Also, really felt I needed to work on my game. I started reading poker books again. Started by again reading harrington's two cash game books along with his online cash game book. Also read for the second time professional no limit hold'em and small stakes no limit hold'em. Also read the poker blueprint for the first time.

I decided my only option to play and learn with the appropriate bankroll, was to play online. Since the merge cash games seemed tough, I decided to give bodog a try. Put 100 in, and started playing .02/.05(5 NL) 6 max. The game were definitely softer then merge, but I started out running a few buyins below in all-in ev. I got to a point were I was almost busto again and put 100 more on.

Things started turning it around in 5 NL and soon had made about 80 dollars playing. Doesn't sound like much but I was happy being up 16 buyins. Also, started playing some small tournaments on there. I made 3 final tables in about 10-12 tournaments at one point(not that it's super impressive as most tournaments there have 150-200 players per tournament). With my bankroll around $425, I looked at playing NL 10.

Problem was that NL 10 is sort of a gap game that most recreational players don't play. Most of the games were full of regulars I knew from NL 5. So I decided to give NL 25 a shot, although slightly underolled. I figured I could drop back to NL 5 if my bankroll went to around 100.

I started out very well in NL 25 and ran very good. I was happy that things finally seemed to turn around. I've cooled of some in this game, but overall have a decent profit playing.

One thing that really helped me was exercising game and seat selection. Basically if I don't feel the conditions are profitable for me I find a different game or switch seats. I'm planing and writing some blogs about this and other concepts.

I've also been playing some tournaments on bodog in the 10 dollars range for freezeouts and 3 dollar range for rebuys. My tracking software doesn't update for tournaments, but I'm probably down a little playing them.

Current bankroll is 750 on bodog. I plan on playing NL 25 for awhile longer and mix in some tournaments here and there.

Like I mentioned earlier I'm going to try and write some strategy blogs. In writing these I'm going to present material that I feel will help others. I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I'm sure some concepts presented will be open for debate. Perhaps they will serve as a starting point that will benefit myself and the reader.

As always if interested in following me day to day it's MNPuck on twitter.

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reaction to the online poker shutdown

All things must come to an end, for online poker players this was a reality that took place on Friday April 15th. With the department of justice opening cases on the 3 major poker sites (Stars, Full Tilt, Absolute). The sites quickly each decided to stop letting players from the United States play for money on their sites. Out of nowhere it seemed, online poker for Americans was over.

I'm not going to focus much on how I feel about what took place. I'm sure this is a rant that can easily found in any numerous online players: blog, facebook, twitter, etc. I try and worry about things that are outside my control and this is clearly one of them.

What I do know is this unexpected change will impact me. As much time as I've spent playing poker online recently this change will indeed be major. I can't control the circumstances that lead to me needing to make this decision, but I can control my reaction.

So what's my plan? Play on sites that are outside of the big 3? Try and play more live? Give up poker all together? Sit and complain about how I got screwed out of 1000 dollars (money that was on poker sites that I'll probably never see)? Hmmm...

To be honest I'm glad it's over. I'm sure I'll have days I miss playing and the next couple of weeks will be somewhat difficult. Anytime we get into the habit of doing something and you take it away it is difficult. But these difficulties are what leads to growth.

I've come to realize I want to change and I want to grow. Sitting behind a computer for hours upon end behind the ID MNPuck was stunting my growth. After awhile it becomes to comfortable and a habit. Not saying this is good or bad, it is what it is. So for me finding somewhere else to play online poker would limit my growth.

I need to find things that are uncomfortable to me. This is where I will be challenged and can learn. Will I make mistakes along the way? Sure, but that's what life is about.

Do I regret all the time I have spent playing poker online? Not at all, I've learned so many things from playing. About poker, but more importantly about myself. It's given me the confidence that I can do anything in life I want. Given I put in enough time and effort.

Basically for me it's time to stop being MNPuck and start being Brian. I'm not sure exactly what route I'll take yet, but I know it will work out. I'll have scrapes and bruises along the way, but in the end things are going to be ok.

Friday, March 25, 2011

March update

Hey everyone, just thought I'd update this with how this have been going. Since my last my I have pretty much been focusing on mtt's. Things were going kinda blah until I took down a 3 rebuy PLO tourney for 1075 on stars. Certainly nice to catch a win, thanks to all those who were on the rail!

I'm going to stick with playing 4 to 6 mtt's at a time for the near future. I'm really excited about the scoop schedule coming in May, and will play in as many of the low events (they have 3 buyin levels) as I can. Maybe another score is around the corner? Time will tell.

I haven't been doing as much studying of just poker lately, but have been reading some excellent books that have made me rethink how to play. I'm going to start trying to do some strategy posts, with some of my ideas. I would really like to have some feedbacks on these.


Monday, February 14, 2011

A new direction

So after my big score last week, I've moved up to the 6.50 45 turbos. Things haven't been going very well. I'm stuck 180 in 96 games. I don't think the competition isn't beatable, I've been running very bad. So I've been doing some thinking about what direction I would like to take next.

My answer is to focus solely on regualr MTT's. Targets are 11 dollar freezeouts and below and 3 dollar rebuys and below. I'm sure variance in these will be huge, but I really want to transition solely to these. I guess if things go terrible I can always come back to the 3.25/45s and 2.20/180s. But right now I really feel confident and have the bankroll to make this step.

I believe the turbo sngs were a great learning tool for me. I've learned so much about pushing and calling ranges when the stacks are short. I believe this tool is a must for any MTT player. However MTTs present a whole new challenge. In turbo sngs you are often faced with decisions with under 10BBs in your stack. In MTTs the stacks are often deeper and decisions are much different. With short stacks decisons are often mostly math based. With deeper stacks this is less true. Math still plays a part, but other factors come into play.

In order to help me with this learning process, I will be putting in alot of study times. Most of this will take place on the 3 days a week I work. The other 4 days will mostly be devoted to playing. On the to do list for studying is: reviewing each tourney hand history, re-reading Harrington on Hold'em volumns 1-3, and watching videos on Tournament Poker Edge. Also I will be asking some of you for your input in certain spots.

My ultimate goal has really always to become a great player, and feel this is the next logical step. Trying to become a great tournament player has both positives and negatives vs focusing on becoming a great cash player. I feel tournaments will always have some 'dead money' because weak players see the huge first place prize and dream of taking it down. However, in order to make some nice scores in tournaments, you must be lucky in some spots. I've heard it described like the lottery. Being a great tourney player doesn't guarentee that you'll ever win a big tournament, it basically gives you more 'tickets' then most players.

We will see what the future has in store for me. I would love to be able to afford to play in some of the bigger live tournaments around here. Hopefully one step at a time, I can get closer to this goal. The possibilities with tournaments are limitless. We shall see what happens....


Monday, February 7, 2011

Reaction to my big score today

Let me begin this story yesterday. I had a rough day to say the least. Not only did I have a steady losing day at poker, but the team I wanted least to win the super bowl did. So frustrated I was with poker, I really thought about taking today off. I slept a ton, from about 11 PM last night to noon today. I didnt exactly pop out of bed.

So today began with me being very sluggish. Thought about not playing today at all. However after a short workout on the total gym I decided to give a session a shot. I late reg'd for 5.50 20k and got into the 11 40k on time. Also played some sng's in which I broke about even.

So the 40k started off pretty good and I had a decent stack from the get go. There were 6990 players entered. I just kept grinding away and got good cards in key spots. I was very lucky twice when my AK and AQ beat KK all in b4 the flop. When I had AK I was drawing to an ace on the river, when it hit I thought this time could be different.

With around 400 or 500 left I started looking at the payouts. 7th and above was at least 1k with 8.5k for 1st. But, really I just wanted to make a final table in a big tournament. I just kept on playing tight. My goal was to make plays before the flop were I felt more comforatable then playing post flop. Soon we were down to 100 players. They kept falling and I was still alive. Pay jumps happened when we dropped down in the number of tables left. With 18 players left on 2 tables, making a final table became a real possibility.

My friend Scott was counting down the number of players 14, 13, 12. Wow I cant believe I'm still in! Then finally the final table, what a great feeling. I fought as hard as I could. With 7 or 8 to play there were 2 big stacks that kept fighting each other, so my chances of winning were always slim. I hung on and finished 4th for 3200 dollars.

This makes it the 2nd biggest score of my poker playing career, my biggest was winning a tournament for 4200. However, I take much more satisfaction in today's score then the other one. The win was in 2008, and I feel that I've made so much progress between then and now.

In 2008 I was using drugs on almost a daily basis. Today I've been clean for over 2 years. When I won the tournament I must have been super lucky(not that I wasnt today), as I never worked on my game the way I do now. Today was the day I've been dreaming of when playing/reading/studying the last year and a half.

I would like to thank anyone and everyone who has helped or supported me in any capacity over the last few years. Without you my dream would have never come true today, and I can't thank you enough.

With this I leave you:

Trust in Him above all things so your dreams may come true, for if you believe in Him all things are possible.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 2011 Reivew

Hello again to all 2.3 of those who read this. January has been a good month for me on the tables. Things have turned for the better, but we will see how long it lasts. I'm happy with the work I've been putting in on my game, and it's seemed to have paid off.

To start with my once a month poker league went sour for me again. I had been pretty aggressive opening alot of pots. The worst player on the table limped UTG. Everyone folds to the SB who completes, I looked down at KK. I raise to 4x the BB. UTG goes into a rant and pushes on me, SB folds. I really consider laying it down, but just can't do it. I call he has AA, good game.

As for online have been running really good. Overall have played 722 games, up 835.25, with an roi of 50.7%. This is nice and all but isn't really substainable over the long run. An roi of around 20% would make me happy. So I'm expecting to cool off at some point. On fulltilt only have played 43 games, up 55.28, roi of 36.4%.

Have had a couple of deep runs on full tilt in some 1 dollar tournies. They have added a feature that allows you to enter tournies multiple times, in which you can multi table tournaments. For the two I ran deep in you could enter up to 4 times. I finsihed 81 out of 9900 in a dollar rebuy and 27 out of 5225 in a dollar freezeout. Was fun to run deep, have learned at this point that getting deep into tournies of those sizes don't happen every day so I enjoyed them.

I've been reviewing hand histories more then ever this month and I really feel this process is paying off. Have also become a member at and have watched many videos, that have helped me out alot. I really feel that I have to do these extra things to keep an edge on the ever changing game of tournament poker.

Plans for the next month are pretty much the same. Continue to play mostly 2.20/180s and 3.25/45s on stars, with some MTT's mixed in. Will be looking to mix in some 6.50/45s and 7.70/180s (hopefully the 7.70s will run more after stars added them to main tourney page) if my bankroll continues to grow. Play the dollar freezeouts and rebuys on fulltilt.

Tomorrow(30th), I will be playing in some sunday events. Qualified for the world blogger championship on stars which should have around 500 entrants. Final table gets like 2k in tourney entries and winner gets like 3k in tourney entries. The entries are for the upcoming SCOOP and Sunday Millions on stars. They also pay down lower with entries. Great value for a tourney that all I had to do was maintain this blog to enter. Will also be playing the 250k guarantee(gonna make this a weekly thing) on stars. Also just registered for 6 entries into the 200k guar little big tourney on fulltilt.

So overall a good month. Hopefully will continue to go well in February. As always can follow MNPuck on twitter for more updates.
