Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reaction to the online poker shutdown

All things must come to an end, for online poker players this was a reality that took place on Friday April 15th. With the department of justice opening cases on the 3 major poker sites (Stars, Full Tilt, Absolute). The sites quickly each decided to stop letting players from the United States play for money on their sites. Out of nowhere it seemed, online poker for Americans was over.

I'm not going to focus much on how I feel about what took place. I'm sure this is a rant that can easily found in any numerous online players: blog, facebook, twitter, etc. I try and worry about things that are outside my control and this is clearly one of them.

What I do know is this unexpected change will impact me. As much time as I've spent playing poker online recently this change will indeed be major. I can't control the circumstances that lead to me needing to make this decision, but I can control my reaction.

So what's my plan? Play on sites that are outside of the big 3? Try and play more live? Give up poker all together? Sit and complain about how I got screwed out of 1000 dollars (money that was on poker sites that I'll probably never see)? Hmmm...

To be honest I'm glad it's over. I'm sure I'll have days I miss playing and the next couple of weeks will be somewhat difficult. Anytime we get into the habit of doing something and you take it away it is difficult. But these difficulties are what leads to growth.

I've come to realize I want to change and I want to grow. Sitting behind a computer for hours upon end behind the ID MNPuck was stunting my growth. After awhile it becomes to comfortable and a habit. Not saying this is good or bad, it is what it is. So for me finding somewhere else to play online poker would limit my growth.

I need to find things that are uncomfortable to me. This is where I will be challenged and can learn. Will I make mistakes along the way? Sure, but that's what life is about.

Do I regret all the time I have spent playing poker online? Not at all, I've learned so many things from playing. About poker, but more importantly about myself. It's given me the confidence that I can do anything in life I want. Given I put in enough time and effort.

Basically for me it's time to stop being MNPuck and start being Brian. I'm not sure exactly what route I'll take yet, but I know it will work out. I'll have scrapes and bruises along the way, but in the end things are going to be ok.

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